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Luxury brands are launching on RED

After Louis Vuitton launched its brand official account on RED/Xiaohongshu last month, many other luxury brands also follow the trend and start to build brand awareness on RED, including Loewe, MCM, DIOR and Longchamp. Though their No. Of followers and engagements are not as satisfied as Louis Vuitton due to different reasons. Besides the big name of Louis Vuitton in China, it’s also the first luxury brand launched on RED. They also did very well in localization and having different strategies on different social media platforms. They not only work with celebrities and top KOLs like Mr. Bags, but also post contents from the local RED KOL like @陈白羊 - something that other luxury brands are not doing right now. Other luxury brands including FENDI and Stella McCartney. have opened the brand accounts but haven’t started posting yet. We sure can expect more and more luxury brands and their tailor made strategy for RED.


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